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E-mail: tianjing@nwu.edu.cn

电话: 029-88302339






1.Perez-Camps M, Tian J, Chng S,Sem KP, Sudhaharan T, The
C, Wachsmuth M, Korzh V, Ahmed S, Reversade
B. (2016) Quantitative imaging reveals real-timePou5f3–Nanog complexes
drivingdorsoventralmesendoderm patterning inzebrafish. eLIFE5:e11475.

2. Chng S,
Ho L, Tian J,Reversade B. (2013)
ELABELA: a hormone essential for heart development signals via the Apelin
receptor. Developmental Cell.27(6):672-680.

3. Temtamy
S*, Aglan M*, Topaloglu AK, Wollnik B, Amr K, El-Badry TH, Hosny GA, Eldin NS,
Shboul M, Herdem M, Ong J, Reversade B,
Tian, J*. (2012) Definition of the phenotypic spectrum of
Temtamypreaxialbrachydactyly syndrome associated with autosomal recessive CHYS1
mutations.Middle East Journal of Medical Genetics. 1(2):64-70.

4.Tian J, Ling L, Shboul M, Lee H,
O'Connor B, Merriman B, Nelson SF, Cool S, Ababneh OH, Al-Hadidy A, Masri A,
Hamamy H, Reversade B. (2010) Loss of CHSY1, a Secreted FRINGE Enzyme, Causes
Syndromic Brachydactyly and Increased NOTCH Signaling in Humans. The
American Journal of Human Genetics. 87:768-778.

5.Tian J, Andree B, Jones C.M. and
Sampath K. (2008) The pro-domain of the zebrafish Nodal-related protein Cyclops
regulates its signaling activities. Development. 135:2649-58.

6.Tian J, and Sampath, K. (2004)
Formation and Functions of the floor plate. Fish Development and Genetics.World
Scientific. Editors: Z. Gong and V. Korzh.

7. Tian J, Yam C, Balasundaram G, Wang H,
Gore A and Sampath K. (2003) A temperature-sensitive mutation in the
nodal-related gene cyclops reveals that the floor plate is induced during
gastrulation in zebrafish.Development. 130: 3331-3342.


1.Tian J,Shboul M,Hamammy H,Reversade
B,Dubowitz Syndrome mapsto chromosome 12 within an interval of 70
genes,16th International Society of Developmental BiologistsCongress,Edinburg,UK , 2009

2.Tian J,Ling L,Shboul M,Reversade
B,Loss ofCHSY1, a novel FRINGE Enzyme, causes Syndromic Brachydactyly
via IncreasedNotch signaling,The
16th International Conference of the International Societyof Differentiation
From Stem Cells toOrganisms,Nagoya, Japan,,2010

3.Tian J ,Chng S,Ong JX,Reversade B,Cloning and functional study of nanog in Zebrafish,Society for Developmental Biology 70th Annual Meeting, Chicago,USA,2011

4.Tian J,TemtamyPreaxialBrachydactyly Syndrome is
caused by loss-of-function of CHSY1, a secreted enzyme required for bone
development and digit patterning, 6th Asia Oceania Zebrafish Meeting, HKUST, Hong Kong, 2014 (大会报告)

5.TianJ,Mechanisms of Digit Formation : Rare Human
Malformation Syndromes Tell theStory, 47th Annual Meeting of the Japanese
Society of Developmental Biologists, Nagoya, Japan, 2014 (大会报告)

6.Tian J ,Cenani-Lenz
syndrome is caused by a novel missensemutation in LRP4 that required for limb
and kidney development,The 7th AsiaOceania Zebrafish Meeting,Singapore,2016


所属部门: 教师
荣誉: 博士生导师
电子邮件: tianjing@nwu.edu.cn